It's The Final Countdown / by Richard Something

In two very short days we begin our first weekend of shooting for HELL!. This will be one of many, many shooting weekends running all the way through mid-September. 

What will we be doing during these two days? Well, we’ll be: 

Shooting three scenes and nine pages of script. One page of script roughly translates to one minute of movie, so we’ll knock out nine minutes of HELL! in these two days (roughly 8.5% of the planned total run time and 7.5% of the script run time). This is ambitious, but more than doable since all three scenes take place in the same building and mostly involve the same actors. 

Who are those actors? 

  • Jamie Milliken as Roger Oddcock (Day 1) 
  • Erma Kyriakos as The Devil (Day 1) 
  • Mark Knudsen as Howard Chowdermouth (Days 1 and 2) 
  • Tricia DiGaetano as Joanne (Day 2) 
  • Isis Starr as Chowdermouth’s Biggest Fan (Day 2) 
  • Tara Navarro as The Bartender (Day 1) 
  • As well as around 20 excellent extras (Day 2).   

How big of a production crew is involved? 

There are six of us on production Saturday and seven of us on Sunday. 

Where are these scenes being filmed? 

At The Lost Church Theater in the Mission. If you haven’t been to The Lost Church, it’s an incredible space. I’ve never taken anyone to a show there who didn’t immediately fall in love with it. This great article from The Bold Italic describes it like so: 

I became a Lost Church disciple back in January, when an invitation to see local alt-country idol Paula Frazer came with the additional intrigue of watching her perform in a mysterious venue. Something about the place being named The Lost Church gave the space a theatrical flair in my mind, and when I walked off cracky Capp Street and through the unmarked door, I felt like I was entering a scene in a David Lynch film.

I can't describe it any better than that. 

And with all that said, I need to get back to doing prep work for this weekend and the rest of the month. Next week look out for a full report from this first shoot with pictures and stories and who knows what else.